khaled hassan造句
- Saddam Khaled Hassan, 28, revealed one at the barber shop.
- Khaled Hassan is an independent journalist who writes for several English and Arabic-language publications.
- After Nimeiry's death in May 2009, former Revolutionary Command Council member Khaled Hassan Abbass was elected head of the Alliance of Peoples'Working Forces.
- Wael Ibrahim works for the independent weekly magazine Afaqit Al-Arab, while the fifth journalist, Khaled Hassan, works for the pro-government El-Messa newspaper.
- In a statement faxed to The Associated Press, the militant groups identified the two dead gunmen as Iyad Mahmoud Tahrawi, 22, from Hamas and Ahmad Khaled Hassan, 19, from Islamic Jihad.
- In the first incident, which took place in a youth club in the trendy Cairo district of Zamalek, Fatin Hamza was repeatedly stabbed in the chest by referee Hassan Khaled Hassan, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
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